Sensorial – Exploring the World

Sensorial PageimageThe Sensorial materials help in refining the child’s senses. Young children use their senses to explore the world around them, making this the ideal time to provide experiences that will sharpen the senses and enable them to distinguish, categorize and understand the many impressions received. These skills are the building blocks for organization and problem solving abilities.

At Four Seasons Montessori your child will have the opportunity to do matching and grading activities with the Sensorial materials according to colour, texture, weight, size, shape, sound and smell. Dr. Montessori believed that this process of educating and training the senses to be able to discriminate and appreciate sensory impressions is the beginning of conscious knowledge.

is group of activities helps in refining the child’s senses. At Four Seasons Montessori Preschool your child will discover how to pair and eventually grade materials according to colour, taste, smell, size, weight, shape and sound. These skills are the building blocks for organization and problem solving abilities.