Language – From Spoken to Reading and Writing

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language001Dr. Montessori discovered that children are sound conscious well before the age of three. The Language materials are designed to meet this need. In a Montessori classroom children learn the phonetic sounds of the letters first because these are the sounds they need to be able to read.

Gradually the rules of grammar are introduced with different games. In parallel, the hand is being prepared for writing with materials designed to perfect the motor skills required to use a writing tool and form letters.

Sometime during the years when a child is in a Montessori class, an exciting thing happens. After working with the materials, a day comes when he realizes that he is able to express his thoughts on paper with a pencil. Dr. Montessori called this phenomena the “explosion into writing.”

When writing begins in this spontaneous way, writing is effortless and fun! Because the child has already learned control, the repetition necessary for developing neatness and style does not tire him.